Do you think our neighbors love us yet?

Don't YOU wish you had one of these in your driveway?

This weekend, we had the realization that the builders will likely need to break through the basement wall early this week. In order to pour the concrete floor in the basement, they want to have the opening created, so it will mean cutting into the block foundation to create a wide doorway, for access to the new part of the basement. Needless to say, we were NOT (and are not) ready for this to happen!

In looking at our options down there, the “best” place (and I use that term loosely) is right where the laundry tub and the tankless water heater are mounted. AND where the water and gas lines all reside. I worked all day Sunday on cleaning out and around this area…no easy or pleasant task. (It’s very “basement-y” down there, read: YUCK) I have SO much laundry and stuff hanging around, so it was a good time to really clean out. Two gigundo bags are in the back of the truck, ready to go to Goodwill.

It should be an interesting week. Interesting to see the progress. Interesting to find out if we’ll be missing hot water for the foreseeable future. Interesting to know if I’ll have laundry access. Interesting (for my in-laws) to possibly have to move out about a month earlier than we had planned!

About buffyfoster

I am mom to two great kids, Tess and Jack and wife of Jason. I work outside the home, as a clinical operations director for CIGNA Healthcare. We have been planning this addition since we bought the house from a family member in January, 2000.
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1 Response to Do you think our neighbors love us yet?

  1. Betsy Wells says:

    Well, you knew all along that the trip would be interesting. Sometimes the best results happen after a fire is lit beneath us. Good luck! Thinking of you always. Much love!

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